Describe the physical properties that YOU saw or measured for each of the rocks in the lab.

Write a lab report summarizing how you identified the different rock samples. Your report should include:

Introduction: Brief summary of what you did in the lab.
Method: What properties did you use to identify rocks in the lab? Take each group (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) in turn. Don’t mix them up together. This is a general description of the techniques you used and should not include specific details of any of the rock samples. How did you use these physical properties to identify the rocks?

Results: Describe the physical properties that YOU saw or measured for each of the rocks in the lab. Give the name of each rock you identified. Again, take each of the 3 groups in turn. You may present your data as a table, with a brief paragraph introducing/summarizing your findings.

Discussion: How useful were each of the properties when you identified the rocks? Were some more helpful than others? Were some more difficult to determine?
Conclusion: Paragraph summarizing your findings from this lab.

Remember: This report is a write up of what YOU did in the lab to identify the rock samples, NOT a general report about rock properties. It is important that you understand this distinction to get a good grade.

Check the text below to reflect your submission instructions.
Reports must be submitted by e-mail. If you are sending a document as an attachment, it must be .docx or .doc format. If you cannot save your work in one of these formats, then you should cut and paste it into the body of your e-mail message.