What bigger picture/main topic does the paper address?

Paragraph 1: What bigger picture/main topic does the paper address? (context)

Paragraph 2: What is one small aspect of the bigger picture that you are trying to address with the current research?

Paragraph 3: A brief outline of the defined purpose of the current study (i.e. objectives), ending with a hypothesis, which generally relates to your main topic. This can also be described as an upsidedown triangle (starting broad and getting more specific as you go on). Seeing as the main point of an introduction is to provide background information, you will need AT LEAST 10 different references. Since your intro will include references, you will also need a works cited page with your citations in the correct format. If you do not include a works cited page it is considered plagarism so do ot forget it! Finally your introductions should be 2-3 pages double spaced so make sure that you include enough (relevant!!!!) background information. To recap: YOU MUST HAVE: 1. a least 10 different references 2. 2-3 pages double spaced 3. a works cited page with all of your references properly cited Here are the links to the videos. cgo1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0riG6BI8y4 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lDa9i8qdA0&t=3s 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6st9-Wx2sSk 4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz8J8xzUfz4