Analyse how you have used 1-2 narrative features or language techniques to explore your chosen narrative theme.

Describe and explain how you used journaling and any other class activities or resources to brainstorm, plan, draft and edit your final product (100-130 words) (3 marks)
HINT: You may wish to comment on one or more of the following:
the inspiration for your narrative idea
any strategies, writing exercises and resources you used to help you develop/draft
any research you conducted and how it influenced your narrative
feedback you received from your teacher, peer review and how you used it to improve your draft
explaining any changes you made to your work and why you made them

Justify why your narrative would be suitable for inclusion in the anthology of short stories. In your response, you need to identify and explain how it explores an anime theme and why it would be appropriate for the target audience (Year 7 students). Include TWO quotations from your own narrative to support your justification. (150-200) words) (4 marks)

Analyse how you have used 1-2 narrative features or language techniques to explore your chosen narrative theme. You must provide TWO quotations from your narrative opening in your response (they may be the same quotations you used in your previous answer). You should use PETAL/TEEL structure to write one paragraph. (150-200 words). (5 marks)