Discuss the role of health promotion in reducing the incidence of lifestyle related diseases.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint create an A2 sized poster (size: 59cm x 42cm) in either landscape or portrait view. Within the poster you are expected to:

1) Discuss the concept of health promotion as a general concept. This must be supported by appropriate academic references as if you were writing an assignment. Do not describe, you must generate a discussion. (Aims to meet Learning Outcome 3). Approx 25% of the poster.

2) Discuss the role of health promotion in reducing the incidence of lifestyle related diseases. This must be supported by appropriate academic references as if you were writing an assignment. (Aims to meet Learning Outcome 3). Approx 25% of the poster.

3) Using one government initiative that aims to promote the health of people with a specific long term health condition (e.g. Diabetes, asthma, cancer), critically discuss how the initiative supports individuals at their different stages of behaviour change using the Transtheoretical Model. Map the initiative interventions to the different stages. Choose 3-4 stages to discuss and use these as your headings.

Under each stage’s heading briefly introduce the stage of the Transtheoretical model and give a brief summary to show your understanding of the stage. Ensure this is referenced. 2-3 sentences is sufficient.

Follow this with a discussion that demonstrates clearly which sections of your chosen initiative align to this stage of the model. E.g. ‘This initiative supports people in the pre-contemplations by x interventions/action points….’
Then discuss HOW your chosen initiative supports people in that stage of the model or their position of change.

Does your chosen initiative help move people on to the next stage? Has your initiative forced people into this stage? Draw on wider literature to develop this into a discussion.

Identify any weak areas or gaps within the initiative that fail to support behavior change under this stage and discuss this further.

You may be able discuss where your chosen initiative fails to support people or where/how it could be improved. You may pull in other good examples (referenced) of where this is done well from your wider reading. Always reference what you refer to.
(Aims to meet Learning Outcome 4). Approx 50% of poster.