Critically discusses how “multiagency working” amongst professionals is shaped by policy and legislation.

Multiagency working with other Professionals is said to be important in Health and Social Care Practice in UK. Critically discuss this and relate to your own practice and/or examples from the literature.

The essay should specially cover:

1. Shows critical understanding of the concept of multi-agency working and the difficulties in defining the concept. Show a critical understanding of the concept of integrated care. Use theory to critically explore multi-agency working in health and social care. For example, Townleys model.

2. Critically discusses how “multiagency working” amongst professionals is shaped by policy and legislation.

3. Critically discuss the benefits and the challenges of multi-agency working. Show why it is important and what the issues and potential solutions are.

4. Critically explore the role of multi-agency working in relation to reducing inequality and the effects of anti-discriminatory practice in relation to multi-agency working.

5. Relate your discussion to examples from practice and/or from the literature including case studies.


1. critically examine the relationship of policy, research and practice within health and social care

2. critically explore the results of inequality on service demand and provision, and the effects of anti-discriminatory practice.

4. critically analyse the effectiveness of multi-disciplinary working and multi-agency collaboration within health and social care practice.

The essay should be about Multiagency working with order professional not service users.