What has been the result of treating “race” as real in the US? How has this lead to social inequality?

The Myth of Race

This paper is to focus on the concept of race. It will look at the scientific basis for the existence of race, how this concept is used in our society, and it’s effects on groups of people.

You are to use any or all of the following materials to construct your paper:
PBS web site: Race – Power of an Illusion: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm
Race: Are We So Different: http://www.understandingrace.org/index.html
Chapter 10, Sociology, S. Barkan
Race, the Floating Signifier (see below)
Other web or printed resources you may find.  Include your sources for this.
Your paper should answer the following:
Is race real in a genetic/biological sense? Use a number of examples to support your conclusions citing their sources..
Constructivists would classify “race” as a socially created phenomena. Describe how race is used as a socially created category?
What has been the result of treating “race” as real in the US? How has this lead to social inequality?
You will be evaluated as follows:
Writing (grammar, spelling, following instructions, etc.) 2 points
Question 1-3, 6 points each.
You should thoroughly explain your answers and a develop them in some detail. You should make sure that you can support any conclusions that you draw with adequate examples drawn from the above material or from other material of your choosing. You may use in-line citations for your sources.

Your paper should be 3 pages double-spaced in 12 point font. Submit it as an uploaded PDF or MS Word file only, in this assignment area.