Write three to four pages, double spaced paper, following MLA format

One Man, Two Guvnors

You are now going to write a review of the production. For your review, please concentrate on the physicality of the show, the obvious “over-the-top” acting, and the breaking of the fourth wall.

Explain in your own words how these three elements help to bring out the Commedia dell’arte style within the production. Also, talk about the set design, the music, and the costumes, as well as the directing, and the overall production as a piece of art.

Write three to four pages, double spaced paper, following MLA format.

To watch the show, click the link below. When the page appears, you will see an orange button you need to click to watch the video. A window will appear asking you to log in. Use the following:

Once given access, please watch the show (Please note the show is 3 hours long).