As lock down eases and international travel is possible, how likely are you to want to travel internationally?

Individual Project

As lock down eases and international travel is possible, how likely are you to want to travel internationally?

How important is the traffic light system to your choice of destination?

What are the reasons you would travel internationally?

If there were no travel restrictions, where would you travel to?

Given the current state of Covid in different countries, how attractive are the following countries as potential destinations? (please respond for each country)

If there were no Coivid travel restrictions, where would you travel to?

If your home country is not the UK, how likely are you to travel back home

Are you anxious about the countries in the red list (such as Brazil, Colombia, Maldives, Nepal, Turkey)
What would be your concerns when choosing a destination based on the fact they are in the red and amber list at the moment? (green list added on 17th of May)

Does the money for all these listed above makes you think before booking a holiday?