Briefly describe the broad class differences in the United States and explain some of the causes for upward or downward social mobility. How does family background affect one’s social class in adulthood, for instance or how do you explain the wealth gap among various groups in the U.S. today?

Engage with one of the two following questions in Discussion Board. Please follow the instructions as outlined above. Engage in a timely manner.

1. Briefly describe the broad class differences in the United States and explain some of the causes for upward or downward social mobility. How does family background affect one’s social class in adulthood, for instance or how do you explain the wealth gap among various groups in the U.S. today?

2. Contrast the “culture of poverty” argument and structural explanations for poverty. Using occupation and occupational change as your mobility criteria, view the social mobility within your own family and explain why you think people in your family have moved up, moved down, or remained at the same status level.