Chose one story to discuss the effects of tinnitus on the patient’s personal, emotional, social, and physical wellbeing. How does tinnitus affect their day-to-day actions? How can you help others who may be in a similar situation?

These are discussions. they should be responded to like speaking to your classmate. About a paragraph each.

1.Please watch the Ethnographic video on the Ida Institute about married couple, Gill and John. This can be found at (Links to an external site.)

Gill has hearing loss, but the hearing loss affects both Gill and John. What are some of the frustrations or burdens that can come from experiencing a life with hearing loss? How can couples work together to support each other in similar situations?

Remember to post references and citations.

2.Watch the clip before answering the question.

Why is the McGurk Effect important? What does it tell us about the combination of auditory and visual stimuli? How is this information useful in helping people with hearing loss?

Have you ever experienced the McGurk Effect, and if so, what happened?

3.Tinnitus Management

Watch the following 3 videos documenting how Nick, Robert, and Mr. Logan deal with living with tinnitus. (Links to an external site.)

Chose one story to discuss the effects of tinnitus on the patient’s personal, emotional, social, and physical wellbeing. How does tinnitus affect their day-to-day actions? How can you help others who may be in a similar situation?

Make sure to include at least one reference in your response.