Describe how you were able to hear in each of the 4 situations Describe how your conversation partner(s) reacted to you in any of the situations that involved a conversation partner(s)

Simulated Hearing Loss Scenario
Have a 10 to 15 conversation with someone in a noisy situation (i.e. restaurant, bowling alley, arcade, etc.).
I understand that the current situation with COVID-19 restrictions may makes this part of the assignment difficult. If needed, you can complete that situation at home if you have people there. You could have a conversation in noise at home by running appliances, music or the television as an alternative. If you live with multiple people they can help create background noise as well. Try to create a noisy environment to the best of your ability. Just make a note on your assignment as to why that situation was changed.

Write a 1 page paper (must be 1 FULL single spaced page)
Discuss the following:
Describe your 4 situations
Describe how you felt in each of the 4 situations
Describe how you were able to hear in each of the 4 situations
Describe how your conversation partner(s) reacted to you in any of the situations that involved a conversation partner(s)