What do you think the artist wants you to think about? Why? What is the meaning of the work? What is its content, as opposed to its subject matter?

INTERPRETATION: (Meaning – Use the evidence you gathered for the categories of Description and Analysis to figure out a meaning of the sculpture to you.)

What do you think the artist wants you to think about? Why?
What is the meaning of the work? What is its content, as opposed to its subject matter?
What is the mood of the piece (calm, violent, sad, joyful, angry, hopeful, etc.)? Why?
What is the artist saying? Does the work seem to have personal meaning to the artist—that is, is it biographical? Is the work a political or social commentary?
Why do you think that / What are your reasons for that interpretation?
What was the sculpture’s purpose? Is there some larger philosophical, historical, or social context that informs the work?
To what extent does the sculpture reflect the artistic style of the period in which it was constructed? How do you know this?