Describe public health surveillance methods used to track this issue. Are these methods and systems adequate? What other data would you like to see in order to fully understand this public health issue?

Descriptive epidemiology is particularly useful for identifying the extent of the public health problem, describing the public health problem in a way that can be easily communicated, identifying who is at greatest risk, evaluating program effectiveness, and providing clues as to the causes of disease.

For this assignment, you will describe and define a public health problem.

Identify a public health issue to address in this assignment.
Describe the extent of this public health issue according to person, place, and time. You can use charts and graphs as long as they are cited and described.
Identify who is at the greatest risk for this public health issue.
Describe public health surveillance methods used to track this issue. Are these methods and systems adequate? What other data would you like to see in order to fully understand this public health issue?