What was challenging about these measures, and how accurately did they reflect your perceived level of proficiency?

European Commission – Languages
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Discussion Questions
1. Why is the measurement of bilinguals so challenging? Describe any
experiences you have had with language proficiency tests or

What was challenging about these measures, and how
accurately did they reflect your perceived level of proficiency?

2. Complete the Language Background Scale ( Figure 2.1 ) and/or the
Self-Rating of Bilingual Language Proficiency ( Figure 2.2 ). Compare
and discuss your background and ratings with other members in the
class. Specify the criteria you used to determine your responses.

3. Listen to the sample listening task item for the TOEFL available here
– http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/about/content/ . How realistic and
representative do you feel this task is in terms of the communicative
competence needed for success in university classrooms?