What is the mode of inheritance of Xg blood group.

Assignment 1: Mendelian Genetics Inheritance
One of the more powerful and informative resources available for students of human genetics is the online site Mendelian Inheritance in Man,
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim (Links to an external site.)
The learning objective of the assignment is to introduce you to the site that you may find useful in this assignment as well as your future education.
Use OMIM to assist you with answering the questions.

1. Consider the MN blood group system. Here you are expected to make a diagrammatic representation of the locus and its physical location on the chromosome. Insert figure or draw image in your response. Value =2.

2. What is the mode of inheritance of Xg blood group. Value=1

3a. The following mating and subsequent offspring of the union between a male [with blood type AB and blood type MN] with a female [of blood type B and MN]. What are the expected genotypic and phenotypic proportions in the children? On a separate page show your work. Value =2

3b. Assuming that the first-born child is a male, what is the probability that he will be AB and MN?  Show your work as above. Value =1.

4. A male, named John, with Xg blood type negative mates with a female (Sarah) who is Xg positive. It is notable that Sarah’s father was Xg negative. What are the probable genotypes and phenotypes of the children of John and Sarah?
Show your work. Value =1