What are the relationships between EMR, EHR, and ePHR to clinical information systems?

You will select (2) Core objectives to enable EHRs to support healthcare from Stage 1. You will select (2) Menu objectives that provide flexibility for providers to choose from Stage 1 or Stage 2.

Table 17-1 (Sewell text, chapter 17-1, p. 274).

To earn full credit, your paper must include the following components:

A. Introduction and overview of the Meaningful Use Program – provide an overview of the Meaningful Use Program. Describe its significance to advanced practice registered nursing and the impact it has on the nursing profession.

1. What is it?

2. When did it originate? Why is it needed?

3. What are the relationships between EMR, EHR, and ePHR to clinical information systems?

4. What is the significance to the nursing profession, especially to the PCP?

B. Discussion and analysis of the Meaningful Use Program (MUP) – describe and analyze the goals and objectives of meaningful use as well as its implications for nurses, nursing, national health policy, patient outcomes, and population health associated with the collection and use of meaningful use core criteria.

1. Review the goals and objectives and discuss them. Is this something you see or deal with in your workplace?

2. Discuss the implications – is the program effective? Is it affordable? Does it work? Does it really improve quality and efficiency of care?

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of MUP?