Write an essay that explains the origins of the American Revolution by discussing the specific complaints that different groups

Build up to American Revolution Essay

Write an essay that explains the origins of the American Revolution by discussing the specific complaints that different groups (seaside merchants, politicians, back ountry settlers, Indians, slaves, freedmen) of Americans had against the British government. Your essay should explain the series of events between the early 1760s and 1776 that culminated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. How did so many different groups of Americans, who had long considered themselves to be loyal British subjects, reach a point where they desired to be a free and independent people? How did race (Africans, African Americans, Native Americans, newly arrived immigrants) cause different people to join opposing sides or remain neutral? This essay is not about the Revolution itself. Do not discuss events past the war’s beginning (1776 at latest), unless linked to answering this prompt.