Do you think a robot will never be able to pass as a human? Why/Why not Do you think robots should be used to dispense medication in hospitals and conflict zones?


Do you think a robot will never be able to pass as a human? Why/Why not
Do you think robots should be used to dispense medication in hospitals and conflict zones?
Would you like to live in a world in which robots did all the work? Explain your thinking.
Would you obey a robot police officer? Why or why not.
The more robots we create, the less creative we will become. Agree or disagree? Why?
The first video was posted in February 2014. What advances do you think might have happened since then?
We need Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics. Agree or disagree? Why?
Brainstorming Questions
Rules for robot creators should be…
I wonder if robots will ever…
How might robots become more human-like?
How can robots benefit society?
In what ways might robots be dangerous for society…
The robots I know about are…