Why is the site or event attraction a “must see” when visiting Houston for the first time?

Tourism Analysis Paper (20 Points)

There are two parts to the Tourism Analysis Paper. Each will be submitted on Blackboard to the appropriate assignment listing.
Part 1 (5 points): The first part of this assignment is to complete the Houston Insider program. The program includes two modules that educate residents about Houston and what the city offers to tourists, as well as residents. This program is important to Visit Houston to be able to inform others about the variety of things there are to do in Houston. Once you become a Houston Insider, you will receive a monthly newsletter with all sorts of information (e.g., new attraction openings, networking events for Houston Insiders). You can begin by clicking the hyperlink to the program above where you can read more details and get started. THERE IS NO FEE FOR COMPLETING THIS PROGRAM!
To receive credit for this portion of your assignment, download the certificate you receive and upload to Blackboard to the assignment titled “Tourism Analysis Paper Part 1: Houston Insider Certificate”.
Part 2 (15 points): Now that you have become more familiar with tourism in Houston by becoming a Houston Insider, it is time to use your knowledge. One purpose of the Houston Insider program is to provide you and others with knowledge to make recommendations to out-of-town visitors. So, for your paper…suppose a friend or relative is visiting Houston for the first time and asks you “Since this will be my first time visiting Houston what is one attraction I absolutely must see and why?” NOTE: THE RECOMMENDATION DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SOMETHING FROM THE HOUSTON INSIDER PROGRAM.
After identifying your recommended “must see” site or event attraction, clearly and briefly describe the characteristics that make it a site or event. Then, clearly and briefly identify if it is man made or natural and characteristics that make it a man made or natural attraction.
In the rest of the space you have to write your paper, which should be a majority (remember the above parts are to be “clearly and briefly” provided) provide rationale that your recommendation is a “must see” for a first time visitor to Houston. In addition, include any special recommendations you might have for your recommendation (a few ideas or examples below, but whatever your recommendations are should be specific and helpful for your recommended site or event).
Feel free to use Visit Houston website to help you learn about possibilities. Remember, Visit Houston promotes the Houston area, not just the city. Visit Houston has a lot of information that should help with this assignment.
Parts of the paper:
Identify and describe the site or event including the following (both of which are discussed in Chapter 1):
Characteristics making it a site or event
Characteristics making it man made or natural
Why is the site or event attraction a “must see” when visiting Houston for the first time?
Any special recommendations for visiting the site or event? (e.g., transportation issues; kid friendly or not, why?; time of day to go and why?…..again…these are just thoughts or examples of things you might address. You do not need to include these specific things. You should include recommendations that will be helpful to the visitor based on the site or event you recommend).
Formatting of Paper: Your paper should be at least two pages and no more than three pages. The following formatting should also be followed, or points will be deducted from the total points possible before assessing the content:
Typed on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper
One inch margins on all four sides
Two to three pages
At least two full pages, no more than three
12 point Times New Roman font
Double spaced
A cover page with your name, title of assignment, course title, date (not included in the two to three pages)
A reference list if you use references (e.g., book, website for the site or event, etc.) (not included in the two to three pages)
Your paper should be submitted on Blackboard to the assignment titled “Tourism Analysis Paper Part 2: Site or Event Attraction Recommendation”.