What three main ethical principles are delineated in The Belmont Report? Please give a summary of each of them. Please address any exceptions or nuances in them. What should a researcher do to

Using “The Belmont Report” (found in attachment), please respond to the following questions.

1. How does The Belmont Report distinguish between “practice” and “research”? Do you think the line is clear-cut?

2. What three main ethical principles are delineated in The Belmont Report? Please give a summary of each of them. Please address any exceptions or nuances in them. What should a researcher do to assure he/she/they has not violated an ethic?

3. Please summarize the three main “applications” discussed in The Belmont Report. Consider how they

apply in a study. What should a researcher do to assure he/she/they has not violated an application?

4. Consider that you either have been asked to participate in a study (for example, collecting data

relating to your patients) that you think is unethical, or you observe what you consider unethical behavior by a researcher. What do you think you would do? Imagine that you are in the position of being a Registered Nurse, and it is a physician (the medical director for the hospital!) on the unit who is the researcher. What are your responsibilities? And to whom Formatting Directions -4-5 pages in length (not including title page and reference list)