Why is the use of key words not a good strategy to teach children?

Module 2 Problem Solving Set

As you read the chapters in our VDW book, please attend to the “activities” described. You will find these offer great ways to teach the concepts and may want to use them with your students.

Chapter 7: Developing Early Number Concepts and Number Sense

This chapter offers a lot of academic vocabulary that you should know.  Please define the following and offer one strategy to teach each of these ideas to students.

1. Subitizing (1 points)

2. Cardinality (1 points)

3. Counting is a complicated process.  What must a child be able to do in order to accurately verbally count a set of objects? (2 points)

4. At the end of many chapters in the VDW resource you will find a table of common challenges and misconceptions. Here you can learn of ways to accelerate a student that might be experiencing a challenge. Please choose one of the challenges or misconception to describe and consider. Many chapters also offer “Activities” that can be used and modified to help meet the needs of students. Please describe an activity from the book and explain how you think this could help accelerate a student through the challenge or misconception that you described. (4 points)

Chapter 8 Developing Meanings for the Operations

5. Explain how missing-part activities prepare students for mastering subtraction facts. (2 points)

6. Study the three comparison problems for multiplication and division and write 1 problem for each one. (3 points)

7. Make up 2 multiplication story problems to illustrate the difference between equal groups and multiplication comparison; one problem for each type. (2 points)

8.  Why is the use of key words not a good strategy to teach children? (2 points)

Chapter 9:Developing Basic Fact Fluency

9. Solve 8+6 using two different strategies from the book. Show your work and explain how you used each strategy to solve the problem. (when you are working out problems in this class, you can upload a picture of your work.  Please make sure that the picture is clear and easily read) (2 points)

10. Solve 17 – 9 using think addition. Show your work and explain how your solution method shows using “think addition” as the strategy. (2 points)

11. For the fact 6 x 7, describe two derived fact strategies a student might use (assume the student knows their foundation facts). (2 points)

Other Module Resources

12. What take-aways do you have from Amy Fetter’s (Ever Wonder What They’d Notice)? How might you use Notice and Wonder in your teaching? (if you search Notice Wonder you will find many resources and videos you might be interested in. (2 points)

13. How are you? What do you need from me? As this pandemic wears on,