Determine if the movie/tv show would have been better if it were a more accurate representation.


History v. Hollywood

o Choose a movie or tv series (will generally require watching a full season) dealing with some aspect of Global Women’s History.

o The essential question to answer in your paper: If one knows nothing about the time period, topic, person, etc will viewing this movie/tv series help or hinder his/her understanding of the time period, topic, etc?

o To answer this question, you should compare and contrast the actual history of the event(s) as opposed to Hollywood’s representation of the event(s). What did the writer/director/creators get right? Wrong? Be detailed!

o The details are important. If the costuming or sets are inaccurate, that is worth noting. The same goes if they are accurate.

o Determine if the movie/tv show would have been better if it were a more accurate representation.