Analyse ‘the creative treatment of actuality’ in one or more documentaries of your choice

Analyse ‘the creative treatment of actuality’ in one or more documentaries of your choice (not the documentary you analysed in Assignment 1), with detailed consideration of the following:

– The circumstances of production and distribution.
– The form and content of the documentary or documentaries, including genre elements, uses of documentary mode or modes, selection and arrangement of materials, and forms of appeal to audiences.
– Any issues of documentary ethics that you consider relevant to the example(s) you analyse. 2500words

1. In your answer, use examples from the unit’s approved documentaries as listed in the ‘Viewing List’ in the How to approach COMM381/581 Moodle book, or as approved through further updates from teaching staff. Bear in mind, that while examples from other films may suit your chosen question, you must seek and obtain the unit coordinator’s approval by email or on the Discussion Forums.

2. In writing the essay, you can build on your previous assignment work on documentary analysis, but you should not repeat that work, and you must extend it by focusing on a different example or examples than the work you analysed in Assignment One.

3. You should refer to at least four theoretical or critical readings/sources relevant to the question. These can be separate journal articles and/or separate book chapters.

4. Include a reference list of works cited, including the documentary or documentaries, at the end of your essay.