Identify a problem, issue, or situation needing change within the practice or organizational setting. Include background information.

Road Map for planned Change

1. Identify a problem, issue, or situation needing change within the practice or organizational setting. Include background information.

2. Select and discuss a change model that can be applied to the selected problem, issue, or situation.

a. Discuss how to facilitate the change and create buy-in from the health care professionals

b. Discuss possible resistance to the change that would need to be overcome

3. Articulate a plan for making the change using a change road map for the team (the starting point, steps to take for making the change, and successful completion). This is a narrative, not a diagram.

4. Explain the importance of effective communication and the role it plays in influencing decisions during the change.

5. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format and 4 to 5 pages excluding the title and reference page

.6. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.