Explore how firms manage uncertainty Explore the role of failure in innovation

External Stakeholders This topic includes how organisations use external networks to support innovation. This includes strategic alliances, partnerships, joint ventures and spin-out firms, as well as different forms of user innovation such as lead users, extreme users and co-creation. Click arrow to expand section
Understand how organisations utilise external networks to support innovation
Explain how organisations form joint ventures and spin out firms
Describe how organisations are using open innovation
Recognise the different forms of user innovation

Uncertainty and Failure
This topic explores how firms manage uncertainty and failure – a crucial factor in any innovation management programme! It discusses the location of innovation activity, how firms manage uncertainty, corporate venturing and the ‘Lean Approach’.
Understand the location of innovation activity
Explore how firms manage uncertainty
Explore the role of failure in innovation
Understand Corporate Venturing
Explore the Lean Approach