Identifying comparative advantage industries using Ricardian Theory

You should choose a topic from the list below and the topic must be different from the ones you have submitted before (if you have done so):
• How does globalisation affect an economy?
• Identifying comparative advantage industries using Ricardian Theory
• How does resource endowments determine trade pattern?
• The economic impact of immigration
An essay should normally consist of the following sections: Introduction (motivation or background), methods and data, analysis, and conclusions. However, feel free to change this structure to suit your own needs.
The format of the submitted essay should follow the standard as detailed in student handbook. A minimum of 10 references should be used and listed. Data sources should also be referenced using Harvard style.
Ensure you use real-world case studies with quantitative evidence and correctly represent statistical data in order to show relationships between theory and the real life applications chosen for the essay.
All data analysis must be original. That is, you must collect data yourself and analyse the data and produce results (figures or tables) using statistical packages (EXCEL, SPSS, Eviews, Stata etc.). Figures or tables copied directly from any existing sources as screenshots are not acceptable.
Each of your submitted essays will be assessed and counts 50% towards the module marks. Word limit: 1,125 words +/- 10% allowance.