Explore one of the following websites. In the box below write a brief description about the website, who the target audience is, what type of information is provided, and how the information from the website could be useful for an early childhood educator.

Week two tasks packet
For this packet all you need to do is type directly on this page underneath each of the bold tasks listed below. Then save your work  and submit your completed packet to the dropbox.

Task #1: While reading your textbook reading, Chapter 12, complete the chart below:

Textbook concept Your notes (these can be short, bullet points that summarize the textbook concept). The boxes will expand as you type.
Food additives
Factors that drive food choices
Vegetarian Diets
Achieving a healthy diet
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Healthy Beverages in Child Care Act
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Reference Intakes
Child Nutrition Programs for Schools

Task #2: Look at the info-graphics on obesity in America and healthy eating options in Los Angeles (found on D2L). In the box below write a 100-200 word response telling me what you thought of the information found there.

Task #3: Review the worksheets on Reading Food Labels and Nutrient Reference Chart and view the slideshow at the bottom of the article Food Packaging Labels: What Do They All Really Mean? (found on D2L), Then pretend you are the director of a child care center for preschoolers. Your cook is looking at changing out some of the snack foods that are offered for the afternoon. She has brought you the nutrition information on four different snacks and asks you to select the two that you want to start serving. Analyze the labels and decide which two are the best nutritionally for the children. Then in the box below the labels tell me which two you selected and why. Your answer needs to be about 300-400 words (yes, it can be longer if you need more). Consider the following when making your selection and writing your justification:
serving sizes
fat (including saturated and trans fat)
sugars (5 g of sugar = about 1 teaspoon)
Vitamin and nutrient content
Snack A Snack B

Snack C Snack D

Task #4: Explore one of the following websites. In the box below write a brief description about the website, who the target audience is, what type of information is provided, and how the information from the website could be useful for an early childhood educator. (300-400 words should cover it)
Kids Eat Right http://www.eatright.org/resources/for-kids
Nutrition.gov https://www.nutrition.gov/life-stages/children
Celiac Spruce Association www.csaceliacs.info/
American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children Organization – nutrition section
USDA – Choose My Plate www.choosemyplate.gov/
Kids Health http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/

Task #5: Watch the TED Talks by Chef Ann Cooper and Jamie Oliver (Changing the Way We Feed Our Children and Teach Every Child About Food). In the box below write a 250-300 word response to what you saw. Do you agree or disagree with what the chefs had to say? Why or why not? Do you think they are being realistic in their attempt to change children’s diets? Why or why not?