Decide if you think it was done correctly and if the findings have meaning.
Discuss why the experiment/study was good or bad.
If you read chapter 2 before you do this paper it will be much easier!

Here are some things to think about:
Look at background information.
Participants: diversity
Sample size
How long was the study?
Ethical concerns
Is the source reputable?
How was the data collected and interpreted? Describe experiment/study
Discuss the results
Discuss the good or bad aspects of the experiment/study
Use a citation
Topics: You can relate almost everything to psychology! These are some examples of possible topics.
If you look back in history there are some extreme psychological experiments that could never be performed today. However, some of the experiments actually gave us a good indicator of human behavior.
You may also find that there are several experiments involving drugs that are considered illegal. MDMA, Ayahuasca and ketamine have been found to be beneficial in a therapeutic setting. If you find this interesting see if you can find an experiment that supports your beliefs.

How divorce affects children.
The effects of music on the brain.
Mental health medications and success rates
Traumatic brain injuries in athletes.
How test anxiety affects performance.