Provide a brief 250-word evaluation of the source using at least two of the Categories of Statements in Chapter 8

Chapter 8 helps us understand how to think critically about disciplinary insights. As you learned in Chapter 3, an insight is a published scholarly contribution that helps interdisciplinary researchers better understand a problem. In order to practice these skills, we will continue to use the problem of gentrification that you studied in the Chapter 7 Discussion.

For this week’s discussion, locate one source (newspaper article, website, journal article, etc) that offers a disciplinary insight into the problem of gentrification. Remember that the disciplinary perspective may not be explicitly stated – you may need to use your best judgment to determine this information. After reading the chapter and your source, answer the following questions (remembering to include citations from the text to support your answers):

1) Share a link to the source and explain which disciplinary perspective the author is using.
2) Provide a brief 250-word evaluation of the source using at least two of the Categories of Statements in Chapter 8 (take note of the three examples on page 219 – 222).