Discuss how any of the videos that you viewed enhanced you’re learning of these models.

There are 2 options of this discussion, choose one that will enhance your own individual learning!

Option 1 Discussion:
After reading about task-centered practice and problem-solving approach, please respond to any of the following:
Helen Harris Perlman, one of the creators of  the problem-solving approach [AKA Social Casework] once said, “That person, with his subjective reading of and reaction to his problems, must also be his own problem solver.” What do you suppose she meant when she said this?
How does viewing the problem in smaller tasks enhance the likelihood of solving the problem?
Provide some examples of how breaking down a large problem into smaller, more manageable tasks can help make the ultimate goal more achievable?
From a practice standpoint, discuss how you might use the task-centered model and/or and problem-solving approach in your own practice.
In your readings related to task-centered practice, identify situations/circumstances where task-centered work would be empirically supported as a practice approach?
Please respond to at least two of your classmates, and please do not forget to include properly cited research to support your conclusions.

Option 2 Discussion:
After reading about task-centered practice and problem-solving approach, search for videos.  Your prompt for this discussion is as follows:
After seeing how engaged students were in previous weeks when we did our own research to find videos that helped us to understand the week’s theories better, it is apparent, that the exercise is one that is meaningful and helpful. Toward that end, moving forward, each week B discussion will follow that format.
Please scour the internet to find at least two videos related to the task-centered and solution-focused approaches.  Copy and paste the video links into your discussion, and then respond to the following:
Why did you select this video?  Was there anything, in particular, that resonated with you or helped you to understand one of the developmental theories?
How do you think viewing the video might help your classmates?
Is there anything, in particular, that you believe the video missed?
If you include external research, please do not forget to include it in your initial response – initial responses are a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 750 words. cite youtube or another video source for this topic
View the videos from at least 2 classmates and respond.

Discuss how any of the videos that you viewed enhanced you’re learning of these models.
Source Materials:
Helen Harris Perlman and the Problem Solving Model | Allisonmurdach’s Blog (wordpress.com)
Task-centred casework (iriss.org.uk)
Task-centred casework (iriss.org.uk)