Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

Human life is a great good and a precious gift from God who specially created humanity in a way that uniquely reflects His image and likeness. As a Christian institution, GCU affirms that every human being is precious to God and should be treated with the dignity and respect appropriate to creatures who bear the image and likeness of the Creator. The university affirms the sanctity of human life and the intrinsic value of every human being. All humans must be regarded as persons who retain full personhood from the moment of conception until the point of natural death.” (1)

After reading this information, write a one paragraph summarization of how this Position on Human Life affects how you make your major life decisions?

Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

Explain how interprofessional collaboration will help reduce errors, provide higher-quality care, and increase safety. Provide an example of a current or emerging trend that will require more, or change the nature of, interprofessional collaboration.