What are the categories of information listed on the NCJRS homepage?

Watch “Prison Counseling”
Prison Counseling (Links to an external site.)
Watch “A Career as a Corrections Psychologist and Programme Facilitator”
A Career as a Corrections Psychologist and Programme Facilitator (JTJS62011) (Links to an external site.)
Writing Assignments:
“What are the categories of information listed on the NCJRS homepage?”
“Did you easily find The National Criminal Justice Reference Service when you searched for NCJRS on the search tools “Google.com (Links to an external site.).”?”
“What is the difference and what are the similarities between Interviewing and Counseling searches on Google.com, and NCJRS.” (Excluding advertisements).
2-3 differences
2-3 similarities
Which was the easiest to use and why?
Why are theories important?
What did you learn from the two Videos?