Syntax Foundations Questions

After reviewing the first three chapters of “The Grammar Book,” select one of the following questions and provide an in-depth multi-paragraph response. Finally, respond to at least two of your peers’ comments.
Larsen-Freeman & Celce-Murcia recommend a multi-dimensional teaching approach where a variety of teaching techniques and methods are employed for teaching the three dimensions of language to a multifaceted audience. What is the rationale for this recommendation? Explain why you (dis)agree with it.
Larsen-Freeman & Celce-Murcia breakdown linguistic terminology into three major categories: subsentential, sentential, and suprasentential. What is the advantage of these categories?
Larsen-Freeman & Celce-Murcia introduced the phrase lexicogrammar to better illustrate the intertwining of syntax and lexicon. Unlike the traditional way of describing syntax and the Lexicon, Halliday and others recognize that the lines are not so clearly distinct and that sometimes lexical items are actually syntactic in nature and vice versa.
What is the advantage of understanding these terms or of reflecting on the many facets of knowing a word?