Assessment Instructions
The word limit is 1000 words per question.

There are ten questions on this paper.
Candidates must choose THREE questions to answer.
No credit will be given for additional questions answered.
Please state which question number you are answering when writing your answers.
All questions carry equal weight.
Candidates must avoid giving the same answer to more than one question.

Why did “‘Community Europe’ triumph in the 1950s over two alternatives that might have been equally viable”, according to Craig Parsons?
Discuss neofunctionalism’s strengths and weaknesses as a theory of integration.
If the European Council did not exist, we would have to invent it. Discuss.
Discuss the idea that the European Commission should be politically neutral.
Critically assess Jack Straw’s view that the European Parliament should be abolished.
Discuss the nature and role of the Council (of Ministers) in the EU’s political system.
Discuss the supremacy of EU legislation as a key contribution of the Court of Justice of the EU to the process of European integration.
Discuss the notion that intergovernmental conferences are a flawed way of revising the EU treaty.
Critically assess two factors that are believed to account for Brexit.
Falkner et al. have classified the UK in the ‘world of domestic politics’. What does that mean in terms of the UK’s record of implementing EU policy?