Write an initial/”rough” draft of your reflection, first just getting your ideas down in writing. Then make revisions, making sure you have followed proper conventions for an essay.

For your reflection assignment, use Madden’s thoughts as a springboard in exploring your dependence on a certain group of people throughout the pandemic. For instance, has the pandemic played a role in deepening your respect and appreciation for members of your family, workers in a specific field, or participants in a specific community? Explore the ways in which you depend, or have depended, on this group of people.

Note that this is 5% of your course grade.

Write an initial/”rough” draft of your reflection, first just getting your ideas down in writing. Then make revisions, making sure you have followed proper conventions for an essay.


1. Your reflection should be a minimum of two pages, typed and double spaced. (20 points)

2. Your reflection should explore your dependence on a certain group of people and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of our interdependence on each other as human beings. (20 points)

3. Follow MLA formatting guidelines in terms of arrangement. You do not need to cite any sources for this assignment. If you need help with arrangement, refer to the MLA Formatting Guide posted in the top block of the course. (20 points)

4. Structurally, the reflection should have distinct paragraphs that follow the organization strategy described at the bottom of page 262 in your textbook. The bullet points on that page present options that you may choose from; you do not have to use every form of development listed with bullet points. (20 points)

5. Avoid errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (20 points)