What areas of technology are an issue for participants? What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?

Order Instructions: Discussion Board
Develop a response to the post below highlighted in yellow. As a reference, after the yellow highlighting is the post orignally submitted by me – use this as a reference only.

The response must be a mínimum of 550 words (2 FULL PAGES);
Must include the integration of at least 4 peer-reviewed source citations reference published within the past five years (such as the textbook, or an article from a scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journal – NOT websites, newspapers, magazines, or blogs, etc) with corresponding APA-formatted in-text citations and reference list;
Must include at least 1 integration of biblical principle;
No quotations – only use if necessary but these words will not be counted towards the minimim Word count required;
Identify at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in the reasoning of each posting. The response should NOT be a critique of the student’s post, nor should you acknowledge if they responded to the question. The purpose is to add value to the post in an effort to continue the conversation;
The response must demonstrate a substantive discusión;
Narrative prose only please – no bullet points, numbered lists, or tables.

From your readings this week (chapter 14 attached MUST BE REFERENCED), Choose two ways that organizations have changed over the years and provide a past to current summary, integrating theory and personal perspectives. Your discussion should include any of the previous chapter concepts, including the readings from this week.

Within the discussion be sure to address the following areas:
How do each of these apply to the three perspectives (natural, rational, and open)?
What areas of technology are an issue for participants?
What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?

Personal perspectives
Include theoretical viewpoints for each of these areas. You are not limited to these questions, they are simply to assist you in the evaluation process.