What microenvironmental factors have affected Fitbit since it opened for business?

You will be required to submit a 4-6 page paper on Company Case #3 “Fitbit: Riding the Fitness Wave to Glory” in Appendix 1 of your text. This assignment is due in Week 6. You must use APA formatting for this paper and it will be submitted in Turnitin. Each question at the end of the case needs to be addressed in your paper and you must use at least 1 other reference besides the text book. Any paper that is not in APA format and has at Turnitin assessment less than 20% will automatically be given an F.

Case 3, Fitbit: Riding the Fitness Wave to Glory.

1. What microenvironmental factors have affected Fitbit since it opened for business?
2. What macroenvironmental factors have affected Fitbit? 3. How should Fitbit overcome the threats and obstacles it faces?
4. What factors in the marketing en