How will you locate the participants that you plan to recruit? If through existing records or contact lists, explain how this will be done in a way that does not infringe privacy requirements.

Adult’s belief in children’s memory

Explain your recruitment proces include the following information for each participant group:

How will you locate the participants that you plan to recruit? If through existing records or contact lists, explain how this will be done in a way that does not infringe privacy requirements.

How will initial contact be made?

If you plan to use a document or spoken statement e.g. flyer, letter, advertisement, phone call, please attach a copy of the document or script to this application.

All advertisements (both written and spoken) must include the following statement:

“This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (reference number: insert reference number here).”

Will the participants be screened?

If there is a screening tool, please attach a copy.
(See Section 8 of the Deakin Guidelines for more information.)