Explain your general topic of interest and identify a specific problem to be addressed. What are the implications of your selected area of interest?

1. Explain your general topic of interest and identify a specific
problem to be addressed. What are the implications of your
selected area of interest?
2. Steps taken in the preliminary exploratory research phase of
your topic, e.g., types of studies used, secondary or pilot, etc.
3. Construct your research question(s). Share how your research
question addresses the identified project problem or
opportunity statement.
4. Describe the rationale of the population you selected, which
includes but not limited to the following:
5. What population is selected
6. Various factors to consider in population selection (data
availability cost of collecting data, etc.).
7. Importance of using this population for your research question.
8. Explain limitations you anticipate based upon the planning
phase of the research process.
9. You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid
10. Use between 5 – 8 scholarly references in your paper