What specific constraints do you operate under and how might these impact upon your planning, training, development and competition performance?

Review and Adaptions of a yearly training plan/ sport

Length: 3000 words plus training plan

Title: In light of the topics discussed during this unit and with reference to pertinent literature, review your last 12 months of training and/or performance. Using this review, develop and justify a new performance/training plan.

The new annual plan should be constructed in Excel using the template provided (on Moodle). You may add to or edit the template to help make it more sport and context specific. Ensure you provide a key/legend as appropriate.

You may consider the following:

Is a reflective approach adopted to inform the training plan – if so what process is used and who is involved?
What specific goals/targets are set?
How is accurate/reliable data collected/analysed for the purpose of monitoring training load to help inform the planning process? (you may wish to include data from laboratory/field tests or coach appraisals/discussions to support this section)
With reference to the above 3 points, if these practices were not adopted, how might they have been?
What specific constraints do you operate under and how might these impact upon your planning, training, development and competition performance?