You are required to produce a report based upon the results from a questionnaire designed for the purposes of this assignment, keeping it a simple, harmless topic.

Questionnaire Guidelines – Creation, collection, input & analysis of a research topic.

You are required to produce a report based upon the results from a questionnaire designed for the purposes of this assignment, keeping it a simple, harmless topic.

The questionnaire should be based upon on a topic of your choice. You must agree the topic with your workshop tutor BEFORE you actually interview any respondents.

The questionnaire should include a title and a brief introductory statement outlining the topic and must be respondent self-completion.

Include minimum of 10 questions in the questionnaire, each of which must count as a variable. One question must be on gender and one on age. Age must be measured in exact years. The remaining variables are dependent variables, and should contain a mix of ordinal, nominal and interval variables.

Conduct the questionnaire on no fewer than 20 respondents (e.g. 10 male and 10 female). You should explain the purpose of the questionnaire to each respondent and seek her/his agreement to participate. It is the right of the respondent to refuse your request and under no circumstances must you pressurize them into partaking. Your sample should be friends and family or other students and over the age of 18.

Gender & age are your I.V.’s (Independent variables) as you will be comparing male & female, & age responses.

Using the “transform” tag create a new variable: age ranges (for example, young (0 – 35), middle aged (36 – 64) and old (65 upwards).

Enter the data from your questionnaire into SPSS and carry out the following
types of analysis on your data set:
Frequency distribution for each of the variables, including the new age variable.
The appropriate MCT for each of the variables.
Mean, standard deviation, median, mode and range for original age variable.
Cross tabulation of each of the dependent variables (Row) by gender and age recoded variable (I.V., Column, Manipulated). For each cross tabulation include both a relevant test of statistical significance (Chi-Square) and a measure of association (phi / Cramer’s V).

Create a Questionnaire Results file on a word document.
From the SPSS output present a table or chart for each of the frequency distributions and the cross tabulations.
All tables and charts must be numbered and labeled.
Each table and chart must have a short interpretative description decoding the results of that table or chart. State what the chart says, means and or highlights.