Develop a specific organizational strategy, action steps, tactics, and performance metrics to help the firm balance the ambidexterity paradox.

Paradox Balancing Strategy

Develop a specific organizational strategy, action steps, tactics, and performance metrics to help the firm balance the ambidexterity paradox.

Prepare a formal strategic plan with the objective of achieving balance between exploration and exploitation. Prepare a 2000-word strategic plan (formatted in APA style) that addresses the specific strategic initiatives necessary to balance the paradox. The initiatives defined in your plan should fully detail the strategic, tactical, and operational plans, objectives, and metrics necessary to be successful. Be sure to include the formulation, implementation, evaluation, and control processes and outline how you (as an executive) would recommend the execution of these processes. Ultimately, you will need to fully describe how your plan would result in long-term ambidexterity for your organization.