What data are provided to support these assertions? Based on this information, would you recommend this test? Does the test measure what it purports to measure?


Each student will obtain information on one standardized tests. You can obtain test manuals or find information in our library in Buros’ Mental Measurement Yearbook.

First, check for a section on validity in the test manual or research literature. How does the author recommend using the test? What domains are measured? How were items selected for the test? What types of validity data are provided? What assertions are made about particular uses of the test or certain scores? What data are provided to support these assertions? Based on this information, would you recommend this test? Does the test measure what it purports to measure?

Next, check for a section on reliability in the test manual. Check for evidence of each appropriate type of reliability. Are there reliability estimates for each subtest at various ages? Is the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) provided? Which scores are stressed? Evaluate the adequacy of the test’s reliability based on research literature.

Write a 2-3 page paper on each assessment that includes a description of the tests you reviewed and provides information on the validity and reliability of the assessment based on the available empirical research. Additionally, include a section on your opinion based on your research as to whether the instruments should be used in practice or if areas of concern must be considered. You must use APA format including a title page, headings, reference page, and appropriate in-text citations.