Create a clustered column chart for the week’s production numbers using the table below and insert it here.

Reporting Data Over Time Periods

HIM Department Production: Each year in January, the previous year’s performance is used to determine a staff member’s annual raise. Annual raises impact the finances of healthcare. Performance includes production numbers, attendance and quality of work.  You have a new process that you shared with staff members and begin to track their performance. The first week numbers are available below.

  1. Create a clustered column chart for the week’s production numbers using the table below and insert it here.
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Khehar 240 250 280 220 235
Margaret 200 240 260 210 210
Velori 150 180 220 220 210
Jerry 205 205 215 195 180


Here is the weekly average for each person above.

  1. Using week one performance numbers, identify the staff member who has the best performance to date. Record their name here. (This is the person you identify as most likely to get the best annual raise. You meet with this person and share the good news with them on April 5th. Raises are officially determined in the following January.)
Employee Name:


  1. Now consider the first half year production numbers below. (Note: each number recorded is the AVERAGE production performance over that entire month.) Create a clustered column graph to represent the performance of staff members and insert it here.
  2. Complete the table below with comparative data from week 1 (question #2) and the first half of the year (table in question #4). Then rank them in the 4th column – best to worst performance.
  Week One Average First Half Year Average Rank –

Best #1 to Worst #4



  1. Assess your ranking choices above and compare the two clustered column charts in questions 1 and 4. Explain which time period statistic you depended on to complete the ranking. Why did you use that time period?



Hospital Mortality: Hospital mortality is the measurement of patient deaths during an inpatient stay (or shortly after discharge) in comparison to deaths that would be expected in normal population. Mortality Rate is generally considered a reflection on the quality of care in the hospital and can adversely impact the financial success of a facility.

During a rotation at St. Jamison Hospital, nursing student, Clarice, is asked to research and report on mortality. She collects data over the first two weeks on rotation and prepares the chart below. She reports a zero mortality rate to her site supervisor at their scheduled meeting.

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Week 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Week 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Clarice is then given hospital data for mortality over the last three+ years. Research and data analysis have revealed that some deaths can be prevented. St Jamison deployed efforts in multiple areas over the last two years including:

  • Weekend staffing patterns
  • Post-surgical monitoring, care and follow up
  • Ensuring patients obtain discharge medications
  • Better management of ED admissions
  1. Using the tables below, calculate the annual mortality rate for each year and record it in a new table. (Deaths divided by admissions multiplied by 100 or deaths/admissions=mortality x 100=Mortality Rate. Example: 50 deaths and 1500 admissions. 50/1500 = 0.033 x 100 = 3.3 mortality rate). Insert a table here with the Times and the mortality rates that you calculated.
  2. Now create a line graph with the calculated Mortality Rates for the 5 time periods. Insert it here.
  3. Analyze what the line graph shows for St Jamison’s mortality rate and record your analysis.



  1. Finally, assess why this hospital statistic, mortality rate, is better reported over long periods of time.