What changes in roles and responsibilities would be required with personnel changes?

Instructions: Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 4 and 5 Content Section to help guide you assess the risks/rewards and impact identification related to the solution(s) to the management problem you are exploring. Complete a 4-6 page paper discussing the risks/rewards and impact identification to your client as they relate to the management problem you chose. A minimum of 4 new (not used in the prior assignment) references should be used. The title page and reference pages do not count towards the 4-6 page minimum length requirement.

Submission Instructions: Upload the paper to your Week 5 Assignment folder. While these are not all-inclusive questions, they can provide guidance and clarity when developing the Risk Assessment. Risk analysis should be completed for each proposed solution.

Part 1: Risks and Rewards

  • What changes in roles and responsibilities would be required with personnel changes?
  • What is the succession plan?
  • What new systems or skills will employees need to gain? What is the financial cost?
  • What interdepartmental changes need to be made (manufacturing, sales, delivery, financial, and IT)?
  • Would communication barriers increase or decrease?
  • How would the proposed solutions impact clients? Would it increase their engagement level?
  • Would the changes impact the brand or reputation in the industry?

Part 2: Impact Identification

  • As you do your analysis (BIA), consider both short-term and long-term impacts and how employees, clients, and stakeholders will respond to the potential changes in the business environment. Identifying the short and long-term consequences can help make the necessary adjustment to your plan.