Recognize the key doctrinal elements that represent the core beliefs of Evangelicals

Confessional Statement

This assignment is designed to help you recognize the key doctrinal elements that represent the core beliefs of Evangelicals—historically and contemporaneously. Since this is most common in local churches, you will identify significant doctrinal beliefs which you would include in a confession for corporate use.

In order to complete the assignment you must:
Compose a 2–3-page paper explaining the key doctrinal elements that represent the core
beliefs of Evangelicals.
Your paper must include no less than 5 core beliefs with no more than 10 beliefs mentioned.
Each belief must be accompanied by at least 2 supporting biblical texts.
You must explain the theological importance of each doctrine you include in full.
You must also include a bibliography of sources in your paper in current Turabian format.

5 core beliefs

1. They point to a specific, personal conversion experience in which they are “born again” or “saved.” “individuals (above an age of accountability) must personally trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.”

2. Evangelical Christians believe in the Bible as God’s inspired Word to humankind, perfect in truth in the original text. It is the “final authority in all matters of doctrine and faith — above all human authority,”

3. Evangelicals believe the work of Jesus on the cross, through his death and resurrection, is the only source of salvation and forgiveness of sins. makes it clear that salvation is through faith alone.

People can do nothing to earn their way to heaven. Instead, as points out, believers do “good works in grateful response to our pardon, not to cause it.”

4. Evangelical Christians are strongly motivated to share the gospel either one-on-one or through organized missions. Emphasis is placed on the Great Commission’s call to share with the world the Christian message of salvation through Christ, and to “be publicly baptized as a confession of faith,” according to

5. Most, though not all, evangelicals believe there will be a rapture in the end times where the church will be “caught up with Christ before the Great Tribulation, leaving nonbelievers behind to suffer on Earth,”