hat have been more recent related movements/accomplishments on this issue

For this assignment, you will develop a draft policy proposal, which includes research on the current laws and/or regulations which affect this issue, the federal committees and agencies which have jurisdiction over the issue, and the prominent think tanks or advocacy groups which work on this topic – as well as the specific individuals who are key contacts at each.


Example: Cybersecurity

Proposed Policy (Maximum 700 Words)

Briefly address the current situation, the problem needing to be addressed, and a policy change that would make a positive difference.

Congressional Committees with jurisdiction over your topic

List 2-4 relevant committees in the House and Senate. Name the chair/ranking member of each committee, and if any member on that committee is from your homes state or Florida.

Executive Branch agencies with jurisdiction over this topic

Example: Department of Health and Human Services

Executive Branch sub-agency department/office/office holder with responsibility for this policy area

Example: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Elinore McCance-Katz, Administrator

Think tanks or advocacy organizations who conduct research, education, or lobbying on this topic

Example: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Answer the following questions:

  • Who would you want to present your policy proposal to? (name them – specific people and why)
  • What have been more recent related movements/accomplishments on this issue within the last 5 years, if at all?
  • How does this topic relate to your future career path?