Write a text-based, Java program. Everything will be done in Java: creating and dropping tables, inserting, deleting and updating

Write a text-based, Java program. Everything will be done in Java: creating and dropping tables, inserting, deleting and updating
tables. You will be working with your group to come up with your own database that contains 2 tables, a parent table and a child
table, such as Party and Candidate (Should be a one to many relationship). Prefix your table names with a funky group name to avoid
collisions. DO NOT USE Party and Candidate or Person and Personality as your tables. Come up with your own. At the end of your
program, be sure to drop your tables, which means that every time you run your program, you will be creating the tables.
Modularize your code. Your methods should not contain more than 20 lines.
Display a menu that allows the user to insert, delete, update or view all the records.
1) Insert
2) Delete
3) Update
4) View
5) Quit
1) Insert— upon choosing insert, ask the user a series of questions that map the response to the different columns in your tables.
Let’s take the Candidate and the Party tables as an example. With candidate name, john and political party, republican, you would
have to create an entry in the party table if a record does not exist for the republican party and a corresponding record in the
candidate table for John. You would have to make sure that the foreign keys and primary keys are assigned properly. You can use
sequences to generate your primary keys. Optional: You are more than welcome to do any additional validation although it is not a
2) Delete – You would ask for some kind of unique information that identifies a record in the child table and then delete the record.
If there are no other instances of the foreign key, then also delete the record from the parent table. For example, if we look up john
and he is the only republican, then we would delete both john from the candidate table and republican from the party table.
Optional: You are more than welcome to do any additional validation although it is not a requirement.
3) Update – You would ask for some kind of unique information that identifies a record in the parent table (must be unique) and
then ask what the information should be changed to such as
What party do you want to change? Republican
What do you want to change it to? Conservative
4) View – Display all the records in the child table and their corresponding information from the parent table. Make sure to not
include the primary and foreign keys. Here is a sample
John Republican
Jim Democrat
Jill Independent
6) Quit – End the program
What to turn in:
.java file
A single word document that contains the following:
1) An ER diagram of your 2 tables
2) screenshots of a sample run which tests
2 inserts
2 deletes
1 update

1 view