Why do some people find the book to be objectionable?

You are asked to report on a major work of literature/film that has been banned for a particular reason. CHOOSE A MOVIE OR A BOOK, DO NOT CHOOSE “BIRTH OF A NATION”. You will then construct a 5-6 page report on the banning of the text you have chose. Since we have already spent some time talking about children’s books, you will not be allowed to write about any children’s literature. For this assignment,  choose any fiction or non-fiction book or any piece of film/art. The major focus is its banning and how it impacts/restricts freedom of expression. Prior to beginning on the paper you must do the following:

  • Find a piece of literature/film you would like to focus on.
  • Send me an email to get approval for this paper.
  • In the email you must tell me the title of the piece you want to focus on and where and when is this piece being banned.

Once you get approval, you may begin reading and preparing your research. The paper will be 5-6 pages long. And it will cover similar ground as the children’s book presentation. However, more focus will be placed on the arguments being made for the focus on this particular piece of literature/film, its impact to the first amendment, and the parameters of its banning (or its need to be restricted). In your report, you will have to offer answers to the following questions:

  • Why do some people find the book to be objectionable?
  • Was access to the book or movie restricted?
  • Is this book appropriate for the age demographic targeted by this book?
  • Should people have a response to the banning of this piece of art?
  • In your opinion, should the book/film be censored? What about restrictions?