Discuss the application of your action plan. Analyze your plan and your performance. Use the above questions to start your self-reflection. How would you modify your plan to improve your outcomes moving forward? What would be your next step in pursuing overall wellness for yourself?

You did it! You worked to achieve your goal for at least 2 weeks. Were you successful? What did you learn about yourself? About others? Do you feel any different? Were there unintended consequences? Unexpected lessons or gains? What were the challenges?

Discuss the application of your action plan. Analyze your plan and your performance. Use the above questions to start your self-reflection. How would you modify your plan to improve your outcomes moving forward? What would be your next step in pursuing overall wellness for yourself?

How might you encourage others who would like to reach the same goal? What tips/tricks might you offer to support their success?

Assignment Requirements:

  • 3 page minimum (APA Format Preferred)
  • This assignment is considered your Final Exam for this class.
  • No specific number of citations are required. Please cite references as appropr